Meet the Academic Integrity Team

Takedown Request Team
When faculty discover course content on filesharing websites, the Takedown Request Team can help. Faculty can send concerning links to this team, who will determine the rights ownership and send requests for removal to either the website or the student.

Faculty Consultations
Faculty consultations are available by email, Teams call, Teams chat, Zoom, or by visiting our drop-in hours. See below for more information, or click this button to connect by email.

Student Outreach Team
The Student Outreach Teams proactively reaches out to students with two or more incidents to schedule mandatory meetings. They are also available to students for non-mandatory informational sessions.
About Us
The Academic Integrity Office (AIO) is an educational resource for all Conestoga members. We seek to promote a culture of integrity and academic excellence through educating students, staff, administrators, and faculty about academic integrity policies, procedures and expectations. The AIO is a neutral party concerning all Academic Integrity Violation (AIV) cases and is neither an advocate for students or faculty nor a decision-maker in the investigation process.
We are here to:
- Promote ethical standards of behaviour that advance learning consistent with academic integrity.
- Inform, empower and support faculty to carry out their roles consistently with Conestoga College's Academic Integrity policy and procedure.
- Guide and support Conestoga students as they develop their academic and employment skills.
- Coordinate with Library and Learning Services to develop and provide academic integrity best practices, learning tools, and workshops to Conestoga students and faculty.
- Collaborate with Teaching and Learning to integrate academic integrity principles into the pedagogical environment and in the curriculum.
- Track academic integrity-related data to inform decision-making and policy development, review, and compliance.
- Connect with students who have two or more Academic Integrity Violations through the Student Outreach Team, to educate students about academic integrity at Conestoga and to promote skill development.
Contact the Academic Integrity Office
All members of the Conestoga community can contact the Academic Integrity Office by email at Your email will then be forwarded to the appropriate team member(s) for response.
- Faculty can use the Bookings Calendar to book one-on-one Teams call consultations with the Academic Integrity Team.
- To request the removal of course material from file-sharing websites, contact
- Zoom drop-in hours are only available for Conestoga faculty members. Only authorized users can join the Zoom link, so please ensure you log in using your Conestoga account. For Winter 2025, faculty drop-in hours will begin January 27th and occur on:
- Zoom drop-in hours are available for Conestoga students, with no appointment required. For the Winter 2025, student drop-in hours will begin February 4th, and occur Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10am to 11am.
- Students can use the Student Success Portal to book one-on-one Zoom or in-person consultations with our Student Outreach Team.
- For the appeals form and more information about the academic appeals process, see the CSI Guide to Academic Appeals.
- NOTE: Appeals must be initiated within 5 business days of when the incident is finalized. You do NOT need to speak to the Academic Integrity Office before initiating an appeal.
Our Principles
All members of the Conestoga community are responsible for upholding the principles and practices of academic integrity.
Conestoga strives to ensure that all individuals involved in academic integrity investigations are treated in a fair, transparent, and consistent manner.
This means ensuring information about academic integrity policies and procedures, expectations, and supports are made available to all members of Conestoga's community.
Faculty Responsibilities
Conestoga faculty members are expected to understand what constitutes an academic incident and investigate all suspected incidents of which they become aware. If at any moment in the identification or filing phase questions or concerns arise, please consult with the Academic Integrity Office.
Faculty must clearly notify any student under investigation, in writing, at the outset of the investigation. If academic misconduct occurs during a testing situation, notify the student of what was witnessed and explain that an Academic Integrity Violation will be filed. Faculty must follow up in writing with the students afterwards.
In all cases, if academic misconduct has occurred, the investigating faculty must log an academic warning or offence online using the Integrity Violations tab in the Employee Portal.
Student Responsibilities
As a current Conestoga student, you are expected to understand what constitutes an academic incident and to avoid any activities that may lead to an Academic Integrity Violation.
This means following your professor's stated expectations, as well as the expectations outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy and this website. Always ask for clarification as necessary.

Rowan Bleaney

Carla Mangahis

Chantel-Marie Stickel

Dr. Cory Scurr
Associate Director
Academic Integrity Office Staff Biographies and Publications
Rowan Bleaney
Rowan Bleaney is an education and information science professional focused on academic integrity, with 2 years of academic integrity experience and 7 years of information & research services experience in higher education. Rowan holds both a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters of Information.
As an Academic Integrity Associate, Rowan supports students and faculty through consultations, workshops, and the creation of educational materials. Rowan has a particular interest in structuring and adapting information to communicate clearly with students. With a background in library services, Rowan strives to find opportunities for cross-departmental work and projects to better support the Conestoga College community.
Publications and Conference Presentations:
- Bleaney, R. (2020) The diversity audit: a systematic approach to creating diverse collections [Conference presentation]. OLA Super Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Bleaney, R. (2016) AODA in your pocket: texting as adaptive technology [Poster session]. Teaching in Focus Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Carla Mangahis
Carla Mangahis (she/her) is an experienced student affairs professional with 3 years of student conduct and 3 years of academic integrity experience. She holds Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Education, and Master of Education degrees.
Carla is interested in learning about student development theories and finding opportunities to collaborate with others to develop fulsome resources for students and faculty. As the Academic Integrity Specialist, she facilitates semesterly student events, supports the Academic Integrity Coordinating Committee and the Student Outreach Team, and continuously develops training materials for new staff.
Publications and Conference Presentations:
- Scurr C., Mangahis, C., & Mandal, J. (2024). Toward a nuanced understanding: Faculty barriers to navigating academic integrity violations [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Conestoga College.
- Clark, A., Piatek, J., Mangahis, C., & Ping, J. (November 2024) "AICO Biannual Meeting: Remediation Panel" (Panel Session). Academic Integrity Council of Ontario. Kitchener, ON, Canada
- Ashbourne, H., Chan, V. & Mangahis, C. (30 May 2024). Empowering educators: A generative AI guide for students [Conference presentation]. Conestoga’s E3 Conference, Conestoga College
Chantel-Marie Stickel
Chantel-Marie is a highly skilled, results-driven professional with over 7 years of experience in the education sector. Her rich background has fueled her passion for enhancing the academic journey of faculty and students. She holds a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Education, and a micro-credential in Academic Integrity in Post-Secondary Teaching.
As an Academic Integrity Associate, Chantel-Marie is deeply interested in examining the ethical uses of generative artificial intelligence in post-secondary education. She is looking forward to delivering insightful workshops each term and continuing to develop engaging educational resources to support the academic community. With her incredible team, Chantel-Marie is excited to continue making meaningful contributions to Conestoga’s thriving academic environment by championing and upholding the core values of academic integrity.
Cory Scurr
Dr. Cory Scurr is the Associate Director, Academic Integrity at Conestoga College. In his work, he leads a team of staff who support faculty, students, and administrators through consultations, workshops, and resource development, among other things. Cory also develops and delivers a Micro-Credential on Academic Integrity called Academic Integrity in Post-Secondary Teaching.
His research interests include faculty barriers and the role of emotion when navigating academic misconduct as well as examining the nexus of artificial intelligence and academic integrity to inform assessment design.
Finally, Cory is currently the Chair of the Academic Integrity Council of Ontario (AICO).
- Garbati, J., McDonald, K., Meaning, L., Samuels, B & Scurr, C. (2015). “Writing Assignments and Instruction at Ontario’s Publicly Funded Universities: A View from Three Disciplines.” Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
- Scurr, C., Mangahis, C., & Mandal, J. (2024). Toward a Nuanced Understanding: Faculty Barriers to Navigating Academic Integrity Violations [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Conestoga College.
- Scurr, C. (2024). Cold War by “Other Means”: Canada’s Economic and Cultural
- Diplomacy with the USSR during the Diefenbaker Period. In A. McKercher (Ed.) Back to the North Atlantic: Canadian Foreign Policy and Europe since 1945. McGill-Queen's University Press [Manuscript submitted for publication].
- Scurr, C. (2024). Faculty Education on Academic Integrity: A Micro-Credential Approach. In L. Vogt (Ed.) Academic Integrity in Vocational and Polytechnic Education: Springer Nature. [Manuscript submitted for publication].
Select Conference Presentations:
- Scurr, C. (March 2024) Invited Preconference Presentation: “Educating Faculty on Academic Integrity: A Micro-Credential Approach”, International Centre for Academic Integrity. Calgary, AB, Canada.
- Scurr, C., & Mandal, J. (March 2024) “If only you took it seriously, like me: An Examination of the Intersection of Faculty Perception of Themselves and Others as it Relates to Academic Integrity”, International Centre for Academic Integrity. Calgary, AB, Canada.
- Seeland, J., Scurr, C., Eaton, S., Bens, S., & Rouse, A. (March 2024) “Constructing Academic Integrity: Pillars of Institutional Culture” (Panel Session). International Centre for Academic Integrity. Calgary, AB, Canada.
- Scurr, C., (June 2024) “Academic Integrity, AI, and neutralizing the "Threat" to Assessments”, Heads of Interdisciplinary Studies Symposium. Online.
- Scurr, C., & Miller, A., (March 2023) “Nexus between Academic Integrity & Artificial Intelligence”, International Centre for Academic Integrity: Race into Integrity. Indianapolis, IN, USA.
- Scurr, C., & Mandal, J. (March 2023) “Navigating Academic Integrity Violations: Faculty Barriers & the Role of Emotions”, International Centre for Academic Integrity: Race into Integrity. Indianapolis, IN, USA.
- Scurr, C. (June 2023) “It’s not robotic: Barriers to Navigating Academic Misconduct and the Role of Emotions”, Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity. Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
- Vogt, L., & Scurr, C., (June 2023) “Fixes that fit: Systems Thinking in Academic Integrity”, Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity. Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
- Scurr, C. (March 2022) “Faculty Education on Academic Integrity: A Micro-Credential Approach”, International Centre for Academic Integrity: Celebrating 30 Years. Online.
Select Keynote Addresses & Invited Lectures:
- Scurr, C., (June 2024) “AI in the Classroom” (Invited lecture), Ontario Dental Hygienist's Association. Online.
- Scurr, C., (June 2023) “Academic Integrity & Artificial Intelligence: Bridging the Gap” (Opening Keynote Address), Connect 5 Conference: Back to the Library. Centennial College, Toronto, ON. Canada.